Three months and one week at my new job and already everybody knows I’m a crocheter!

The internal communications team did this “fun piece” (their words, not mine) on me today. I had to bring in as many crochet items as I could and posed with reindeer antlers surrounded by my wooly projects. Such fun! (If you’re a Miranda fan, you will have the voice of Miranda’s mom in your head just about now.)

I’m hoping that this piece on the Sky intranet will generate some interest in a crochet & knitting group. So far four ladies have shown an interest in getting together once a month for some hooky and knitty action. There are around 10,000 people at Sky HQ in Osterley, so I’m hoping that with time a crochet and knitting group will grow to a few more. Surely there must be more than just five out of 10,000 who like to crochet or knit… I think a yarnbomb might be in order to “raise awareness”. Right?