Photo Tutorials

Click on the image to open a PDF document with the full photo tutorial.

1. How to make a single colour granny square:

Single colour granny square tutorial front page

2. How to join a new colour and work away the tail as you crochet:

Join a new colour and work away tail end

3. How to make a multicoloured, traditional granny square:

Multi colour granny square tutorial

4. Granny Square in Bloom

granny square in bloom


16 thoughts on “Photo Tutorials”

  1. Ananda said:

    You are a star!!! Your tutorial is beautiful and clear. Please continue! Wel gedaan! Ek sien uit na die volgende een. Blessings & keep on crocheting!

  2. Dianne said:

    Thank you so much Natasja 🙂 this is great…Nice and clear. Please keep the tutorials coming! X

  3. I have just pinned your tutorials and I am blown away!! Completely. There might just be hope left for me to also aspire to crochet beautiful things. Thank you my darling. You are and ostrich feather in my hat.

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