

On a Monday I can still remember the fun I had over the weekend, Wednesday is the middle of the work week, on Thursday I start getting hopeful and on a Friday I can taste the weekend. But what about a Tuesday? It’s so…. just there. Weekend memories are too far away and the upcoming weekend might as well be a year away.

What we need is a bit of colourful inspiration to get us going on a Tuesday, don’t you think? A pretty picture, beautiful scenery or colourful imagery. Yup, that’ll liven up Tuesdays and turn it into a terrific day!

From now on I will go through my photos every Tuesday and find us a pretty picture to add colour and joy to the day.


Aren’t these flowers just too colourful for words?! Hubby bought them for me while he was at the shops on Saturday. He knows his wife so well!

As you can see the Striped Stopper is still doing his draft stopping thing, and very successfully at that!

I hope you are having a terrific Tuesday friends!
