In November 2013 I started a craft group at the office. We meet every Thursday from 12:30 to 13:30 in a meeting room. Meeting rooms are usually reserved for client meetings, internal meetings of lawyers, training, seminars and the like….now it also hosts crocheters and knitters.

craft group

Conference phone + crocheted hexagons = my kind of office.

crochet hexagons and conference phone

Meeting rooms always have water, coffee and tea. We like that.

craft group

It’s really one of the highlights of my week: I leave my desk for a full hour, walk up a flight of stairs and enter a room where I can be my True Self, crochet hook and yarn in hand. It’s also nice to know that there are others in the building who also get excited about yarn, spend hours on Ravelry and know what a crochetalong or “frogging” is. Makes me feel less like The Crochet Anomaly PA.

As you can see I’m working on my Crochet For Kidneys Part II hexagons using the Hexagons In Bloom pattern. I’m absolutely loving these hexagons. The blankets are going to be so pretty when everyone’s hexies are put together! We can go absolutely crazy with the colours, as long as the last round is white because the white will pull everything together. I love that! Colour is good, but more colour is better.

To give you an update on the hexagons, I can tell you that I’ve received three envelopes stuffed thick with hexagons. I will open, photograph and blog about them this weekend. I keep the packets closed until it’s time to take the photos on a sunny afternoon, over the weekend. I let them pile up in the week and then pounce as soon as the first ray of sunshine hits the living room. It feels a bit like Christmas every time.

Now I have to stop blogging and do some work. One day crochet will be my work, but until then I’m at the beck and call of the lawyers who pay my salary, or as I like to think of it, gives me money to pay the bills and most importantly, crochet supplies.